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The Visual Drawing Tools
Introduction to the Visual Drawing Tools (3:26)
The Visual Drawing Tools
Shapes (22:27)
Triangulation (10:21)
Alignments (10:35)
Implied and Projected Lines (15:38)
Tilts (23:11)
The Visual Drawing Tools in Practice: Digital Linear Drawing Demonstration from a Bargue Plate of the Belvedere Torso
Demo Introduction (2:47)
Demo Part 1, Creating the First Shape (16:00)
Demo Part 2, Building off the First Shape (27:28)
Demo Part 3 Breaking up Larger Shapes (38:42)
Demo Part 4, Establishing a Procedure (30:56)
Demo Part 5, Finishing the Upper Half (33:01)
Demo Part 6 Creating the Butterfly (48:51)
Demo Part 7, Getting to the Base (34:46)
Demo Part 8 Finding the Fish (28:48)
Demo Part 9, Finishing the Demo (46:45)
Demo Part 10, Demo Closing Thoughts (2:21)
The Visual Drawing Tools in Context: Graphite Demonstration from a Plaster Cast Reproduction of the Belvedere Torso
Cast Demonstration: Introduction (1:39)
Cast Demonstration: Starting with a Gesture (3:58)
Cast Demonstration: Getting to the First Shape (5:53)
Cast Demonstration: Blocking-in the Shapes (10:11)
Cast Demonstration: Structural Refinement (6:06)
Cast Demonstration: Rendering (12:34)
The Secret Behind the Visual Drawing Tools
The Secret Behind the Visual Drawing Tools (3:14)
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Demo Part 8 Finding the Fish
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